Saturday 8 February 2014

Life In The Fast Lane Begins    

The video below depicts the fast-paced life in the city of Singapore

The city of Port-of-Spain, the capital of Trinidad, is the hub of commerce and trade, similar to Singapore in the video above. With increasing globalization, the city has attracted international companies to set base. It's increasing investment in multinational companies such as BP, Repsol and the Hyatt Hotel, in addition to fast food chains including KFC and Subway, has created an environment attractive to residents from all corners of the country. This agglomeration of people has fostered a lifestyle quite different from the peripheral regions: a lifestyle on fast- forward, driven by business, commerce and a quest for power (Abbott, 2012). This has induced implications for stress, bad eating habits and an overall degradation in health.

The Water Taxi in Port-of-Spain

As passengers make their way off the Water Taxi, life in the urban begins. They are greeted with a torrential downpour and are forced to seek shelter among the host of people at the nearby bus stop and water taxi terminal. This sets the pace for the hectic day ahead. The urban lifestyle for commuters as well as, people residing in the city, is filled with the hustle and bustle of people from all demographic groups. The urban life is fast-paced for the single mother, the businessman, the elderly woman, and even the school children. It excludes no one. As an individual steps foot in the city, their experience may differ from that of another and as stated by Hall and Barrett (2012, 13), "this personal experience forms an important foundation from which to research and theorize about cities." As such, the fast-paced lifestyle differs with each individual and may raise particular problems of city life in relation to human lifestyles.


Abbott, Alison. (2012). Stress and the city: Urban decay [Electronic Version]. International weekly journal of science, 490, 162-164.

Hall, Tim. and Heather Barrett. (2012).  Urban Geography 4th edition. London and New York: Routledge.

How the city hurts your brain…And what you can do about it. (2009). Retrieved January 20, 2014, from

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog and very interesting cases where pace is exemplified by the urban lifestyle. I love the photos which capture candid and unassuming shots of everyday life -- it's a pace that we take for granted, eh. Well done.
